3 Conditions To Be Aware Of When Your Child First Goes To School

Education & Development Blog

There are a lot of different things that you as parents will have to worry about when your child goes to school. You want the very best for your child, and so you are worried about multiple things. For the most part children are going to succeed, but there are different conditions that you as a parent should be aware of. These conditions are dyscalculia, ADHD, and dyslexia. There is a very good chance that your child will not have any of these conditions, but just in case, you should be aware of what the symptoms for each condition are.


This is a more recent condition that has just been named. This condition affects the brain and makes it very difficult for a child to learn mathematical skills. This is not talking about finding the integral or sine or cosine, this is when a child has a hard time even remembering what certain numbers are. In fact many children can't put a number to an actual physical numerical number. Children that suffer from dyscalculia can't remember that the number 7 can represent 7 of anything like fingers or toes. If your child is not just struggling with math, but can't actually understand simple mathematic concepts, your child could have dyscalculia. 


This is a condition that affects the ability of the brain to process written language. Dyslexia is a relatively common condition. If your child is having a hard time learning to read or spell, they may have dyslexia. There are many different signs that your child may have dyslexia, so it is best to take notes on how he or she is struggling with language. There are many different treatments for dyslexia. Also it is important to remember that dyslexia is different for every child. 


ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, is common in both children and adults. However the signs of ADHD are usually showcased at a young age. This is where a child has a very hard time focusing on one single task and is easily distracted. A good way to note if your child has ADHD is to give them a goal with a definite reward and to see if they are able to stay on task long enough to reach the goal. Many children that suffer from ADHD are not able to accomplish this simple task. If you find your child has ADHD, there are many treatments and ways to manage ADHD, so it is best to see a doctor. 

To learn more, contact a school that specializes in teaching students with these conditions.


1 February 2017

Improving Education In My Family

When my husband and I had our first two kids, who happened to be twins, we knew that it was going to be hard to teach them everything that they needed to know. Nevertheless, we worked hard to focus on their education from a very young age. They were both talking by the time they were one, reading before kindergarten, and communicating effectively with their peers. This blog is all about improving your children's education, so that you can help them to reach their full potential and live happier, more productive lives. Check out some of the tips posted in these blogs for great information.